GATEKEEPER: Connecting healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, and elderly citizens through an innovative platform to improve healthcare provision
A PROJECT FOR: European Union (Horizon2020 program)
Healthcare systems in Europe are struggling to understand how to tackle the significant cost burden of chronic diseases relating to the ageing population.
It is expected that innovations could bring support to achieve better diagnosis, treatment and management of citizens across the continuum of care and prevention.
Hence, this project aims to deliver the GATEKEEPER platform, connecting healthcare providers, businesses, entrepreneurs, elderly citizens and the communities they live in, in order to originate an open, trust-based space for matching ideas, user needs and processes.
The ultimate aim is to ensure healthier independent lives for the aging populations.
As proof of concept, the GATEKEEPER project executes a series of pilots to demonstrate the effect, benefits, value and scalability of the GATEKEEPER solutions around reference use cases covering primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
These so-called pilots are initially deployed in 8 regions of 7 European countries. This leads to an ecosystem framework, aiming at engaging and generating trust in citizens, healthcare professionals, supply and demand side extended through open calls to SMEs, start-ups, and new regions in an open innovation fashion.
The envisioned result
GATEKEEPER will become an open, interoperable, and secure framework enabling the creation of combined digital solutions to promote healthier independent lives for the ageing population. The platform includes four interactive spaces:
1) a Healthcare Space, that provides not only sets of tools and data but also connects with health information systems and enables to build B2B solutions and services from companies to healthcare providers,
2) a Business Space, that allows companies to develop solutions, services and devices to reach end-users or health providers,
3) a Consumer Space, what provides a set of services, tools and support components to build B2C solutions and services for health or life-style monitoring, and
4) an Ecosystem Transaction, what provides a large selection of applications and devices leveraging AI, Big Data, machine learning, and IoT connected with objects to support data sharing and value-based healthcare.
Website: https://www.gatekeeper-project.eu/
PredictBy is responsible for multiple tasks in this project as experts in EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND EVALUATION.

Our role in the GATEKEEPER project consists of conducting the following tasks:
Detailed experiment definition: we link the experiments which are preliminary defined to be done in each pilot site with the capabilities of the technology framework. Next to that, we close the criteria to do the selection of the final users, of protocols, application workflow and integration needs.
Impact assessment: this task aims to maximize the possibility of capturing the best Real-World Data with the minimum effort, in order to minimize costs and maximize data quality. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the solution or intervention compared to the usual care and we assess affordability in terms of budget allocation.