PANDEVITA: Improving knowledge transfer between society and science during a pandemic
A PROJECT FOR: European Union (Horizon2020 program)
In times of crisis, society regards the scientific community as the most reliable source for advice and recommendations. Therefore, the PandeVITA project focuses on enabling knowledge transfer between society and science inside of the quadruple helix on the European level.
This project aims to create and execute an innovative evaluation concept based on different feedback categories to measure social awareness and acceptability of scientific recommendations and advice.
In this project, our consortium conducts case studies about public health systems in four different countries and comparative reviews of applications which are already developed.
Different comparative and case studies are also conducted, which are used to analyze legal and ethical frameworks in different countries as well as co-operations between science and society in health sectors and societal voluntariness of participation and trust in their knowledge exchange, both during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Finally, the PandeVITA app and platform are developed and evaluated regarding usability, user experience and adoption as well as efficiency and effectiveness.
The envisioned result
The PandeVITA platform will be developed which will encourage people to support scientific communities with gathered data about mobility, communication behaviour, information needs and basic health information for the evaluation of mobility and communication patterns during ‘normal’ life and during pandemic crisis situations.
Website: https://www.pandevita.eu/
As experts in Behavioral science and Experimental design & evaluation

The contribution of PredictBy to this project is as follows:
Development of criteria and indicators for a more efficient interaction (co-leader): we execute case studies, qualitative interviews and focus group events.
Pilot and feasibility test (leader): we set up pilot site operations and gather data on the deployment of PandeVITA. We monitor behaviour and user satisfaction, ease of use, and other factors are assessed and evaluated. Finally, we assess the cost-effectiveness of PandeVITA